jacopo asam
current work presentation
main focus
interfacing digital and physical realities
- digitality as 'extended reality' in contrast to 'parallel reality'
- not viewable by the same parameters as physical world
- what can including digital possibilities in art / community / LIFE /... bring?
- my own practice: why so digital? why not? 'digital native'? how to bring life to pixels, code, algorithms
- arts, science + narration; using tech for more than algorithms --> narration?
reading list:
- donna haraway: staying with the trouble
- karin barad
- cage about experimenting
- cage ryoanji sheet music
- neue kunst als katalysator
non-knowledge seminar
hybrid hydra v0.1
- 'curatorial' tool
- additional layer
- show „string figures“ (donna haraway) inside an exhibition room
- web of intra-relations of single works // inter-relations of several works
- addition of media (text, video, web… audio? —> headphones?) to / in between works; but also not associated to specific work
working title:
hybrid hydra
- 'tool' (maybe: principle) for interfacing
- basics: 3d scans of physical rooms
- unity game engine for interactivity
- 'gaming station' placed inside the scanned room; interface on three levels:
> digital reality is placed in physical reality ('terminal')
> physical reality is 'mirrored' (note: not copied) in digital reality
> digital 'mirroring' is bringing together the physical room and the possibilities of the digital ('linking')
- scope: create hybrid (digital-analogue) 'string-figures' (haraway) of many components (physical and digital, static and interactive...)
- modular (with or without analogue technology? connected only by content or physically also? only physically?)
- maybe also collaborative in the future?
- scan room (+ works)
world building
- import scans
- create connections (--> when and how are they shown? on click? or when close?)
- media integrations (floating ui)
> text
>web browser integration (can it be done?)
- first person navigation
- create „web“ // lines connecting single works that appear when „activating“ one element
- make media appear and disappear // sorting system?
waiting room II
exhibition planning pad
- kind of continuation of work from mappe, reflection of my artistic process
- at the time: very empty room, now very full; still difficult to distill sth
- put it all together, "messy-room", digitally and physically
> cage ryoanji sheet music + pile of stones
> electronic sculptures
> improvisation station (musical mostly)
> text fragments?
> organic matter (why doesn't it talk to me???)
- then use 'hybrid hydra' to create webs of relations and feedback loops; make more and more connections so that everything becomes somehow modulated by everything else...
> audio to video to audio again
> arduino sensors to modulate 3d space
electronic sculptures
- experimenting with (+ learning about!!) electronics
- arduino / other microcontrollers + sensors; recycled computer parts
- use technological parts for aesthetics or symbolisms
- build physical controllers for digital stuff
- ...or word play, like on the right: i'm a big fan of your work (working title+wip, want to make it interactive and add some framing content-wise)
- werkstattkurse
- 'speculative archeology' --> corrinna goutos, acquaintance of mine
- das totenfest (theatre production i worked in)
hallimasch komplex
homo habitat
- new project with collective
- topic: bauhaus / the new human
- we'll try to create a space where blueprints/ideas can emerge side by side and be put into relationships with each other
- fits very well to what i'm working on anyway, which is nice :-)
- brainstorming phase, not even sure what my role will be in the production